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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Unit 5A: Exercise 5-3 Law of Diminishing Returns

The Diminishing Returns to Tobacco Legislation

Points in the debate that have merit

- Decreased amounts of  smokers
- Government Intervention becoming less effective overtime
- Smuggling will always increase due to the government intervention

Points that lessen the debate

- Health bureaucrats becoming corrupted with power

The point of diminishing returns for the government 

- After many long years of government intervention, all the rules and regulations have reached to a point where all diminishing. The effectiveness of the reduction in smoking have lessen after constant improvements.

Solutions that would increase the government’s production
- Slowly apply restrictions. By doing this, you will be able to fully utilize the effectiveness of regulations and rules.
- Increase taxes for Tobacco companies

Implications of supply and demand of tobacco in the article
- Tobacco being an inelastic product, people will always buy the product due to their addictions
Sin taxes and the debate 
- Sin taxes are usually applied to products that have public disapproval. In this case, tobacco may be taxed due to Health organizations and their dislike to the product which gives the public their opinion.
Source :  

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